Android - Upload Firebase certificate
In this guide, we'll show you how to get your FCM certificate and upload it to the Pushologies portal so you can push to Android devices. If you've already sending push notifications via FCM, you can either skip the first step, or create a new project anyway to keep things separate.
Step 1 - Creating a Firebase project
The first step is to log into your Firebase console and sign in with the same account you're using for your Google Developer console.
If you've got Firebase already integrated into your app, you can select it here. If you're new to Firebase, you can create a new app. It will ask if you want to enable Google Analytics - that's up to you. We don't need it "on" to do our analytics, but if you want use some of the more advanced features Firebase itself has to offer, you'll need to say yes.
Once you've got into your project, you'll need to generate a private key to enable us to send push messages on your behalf.
Keep this somewhere safe, as it potentially allows people to access your Firebase account.
While you're here, you'll need to grab you sender ID
. Click on the "Cloud Messaging" tab and note down the sender ID
This sender ID is also available on the google.json file which you would download as shown below.
Step 2 - Download google-services.json from Firebase portal
Go to project settings -> General and download the google-services.json file and add it to your android project root folder. If you have more than one project in our firebase account, make sure you copy the json file associated with your project.
Step 3 - Upload the file to the Pushologies portal
Next, log into the Pushologies portal
and go to the Settings -> Credentials menu.
Under the Google Android configuration section, click "choose file" and select the file (private key) you just generated in the Firebase console. Save this, and the portal will validate the keys and you're ready to go!
Step 4 - Generate SDK API key
While still logged into the Pushologies portal, go to Settings->API Keys.
The SDK Api keys and secret can be used for both Android and iOS and there is no need to create another one for the same application.
If not, click "Create API Key" and make sure "SDK" is selected from the dropdown. Add a description of you want (your app name works well here) and save the key somewhere safe - you'll need this to actually integrate our SDK into your app.
Updated almost 2 years ago