Step 2: Pushologies Portal Setup
Before you start this step, please make sure you have downloaded the Firebase Service Token obtained from Step 1.
Service Token Upload
- After successfully logging into your tenant, please go to Settings tab and click on Credentials. Here, upload your Firebase service token (JSON file) obtained from Step 1 and click Save.
Replacing an existing service token file will invalidate the previous SDK credentials and the existing apps will stop receiving notifications from this tenant. Please take extra care while replacing the service token.
Generate SDK API key
While still logged into the Pushologies portal, go to Settings->API Keys.
If you've already done an iOS integration, or already generated SDK keys, you can use the ones you've already generated.
If not, click "Create API Key" and make sure "SDK" is selected from the dropdown. Add a description of you want (your app name works well here) and save the key somewhere safe - you'll need this to actually integrate our SDK into your app.
The API Secret is only visible once and it cannot be retrieved later, if you misplace your secret you would have to generate a new set of keys. Please store this in a safe place
If SDK keys are already been generated as part of Android Setup, there is no need to generate it again. The same keys can be used for iOS as well.
Note me down
- API Key
- API Secret
- TenantID
Updated 8 months ago