
Data Protection

Pushologies has many more assets than the physical world you see by looking around you. These assets are information, which is critical to doing business, keeping the trust of our customers, and keeping our future strong. This statement outlines our commitments to our employees, customers, and to our future regarding how we will handle this information.

Pushologies have appointed an Information Governance Manager as the Data Protection Officer who has access to Pushologies’ information systems in order to help ensure excellent information governance practices throughout the Pushologies Group. This role reports directly to the Chief Technology Officer but has a direct line of contact with the Pushologies Board to ensure they have the independence necessary to perform the role.

Pushologies publish their current Privacy Notice through the website at

Information can be confidential by its nature and can also be confidential due to regulations and industry standards. The types of confidential information can include:

  • Personal Data
  • Company business plans, and other intellectual property
  • Company business records and planning materials, marketing and sales efforts, product line plans, and more.
  • Copyrighted materials, both which Pushologies creates and those which we obtain under license from others

This information (data) may reside on our computing systems or backup devices, may traverse the networks or be on paper. All locations are properly controlled and the rules by which information is handled are determined by the regulations, business requirements, and company commitments relating to that type of information.

Every employee, vendor, contractor, supplier, agent, or representative of Pushologies is aware of the significance of the data being handled and ensures that proper controls are applied to prevent copying, disclosure, or other misuse of the data. This Policy is a part of the overall security and privacy effort of Pushologies. Pushologies is an ISO27001 certificated organisation.

Pushologies relies upon its employees and business partners to properly develop, maintain, and operate our systems, networks, and processes to keep our confidential data safe and properly used. This means that every person and organisation handling our data has the responsibility to keep the data safe, no matter where the data is located. This includes computing systems, networks, paper copies, business processes, and verbal transmission of data.